
Seat Leon Cupra 290 - Testing the most powerful Cupra of all time | 2016 | Test Drive | Car | English

2016-03-07 14,290 Dailymotion

In 2015 the lap record for the fastest front-wheel drive production car at the Nordschleife was won by Jordi Gené in a SEAT.

In 2016 he did it again in the SEAT Leon Cupra 290; the most powerful production Cupra ever built. Thanks to ten extra hp and 350 Nm of torque available at an extremely wide speed range, this Seat Leon has also gained significantly more driving pleasure. Source: http://autovideoreview.com

Free download as Full HD video (mp4 / 1080p): http://autovideoreview.com/download/2016_N2D_Seat-Leon-Cupra290_Barcelona_en.mp4

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